Fat Little Legs: Thankful

My Family is Thankful For...

L November 16, 2012
Yes, I've disappeared, and I did want to pop by and let all of you know that I'm OK, Lily is OK.  In the last 2 months, I've simply become overcome with work, and something had to go.  I have missed writing, and so much has happened that I want to share.  I'll be done with this craziness after November and I hope...Read More

What I am MOST Thankful For

Before and After November 24, 2010
Four years ago in November 2006, I sat on Thanksgiving sad and fearful for the future.  I had a horrible year.  I had become pregnant earlier in the year only to suffer a miscarriage, and then be diagnosed with PCOS and resulting infertility.  I was told that because I was so fat, I would have difficulty conceiving a child.  I was told that if...Read More

Shelter and Warmth

Minnesota November 23, 2010
If you haven't figured it out by now, I live in Minnesota.  And yes, to answer your next question it is COLD here, the arctic tundra really.  It is not unusual for us to have sub-zero days in December, January, and February - yes DAYS plural. BRRR... I always wonder why I live here.  But there is something that happens to you after awhile. ...Read More

Thankful for the Reminder

A-ha moments November 22, 2010
In the spirit of celebrating Thanksgiving and focusing more on the positives and less on the negatives, I am posting one thing I am thankful for each day this week. Today I am thankful for my good health, and the reminder of when it wasn't so good.  There honestly aren't too many days where I can look at this guy and not think...Read More

Sunday Ramblings - Cookbook Giveaway Winner!

Giveaway November 21, 2010
I really hope you all enjoyed the first annual Healthy Living During the Holidays Week last week.  Thanks to everyone who entered the giveaway.  The winner of the cookbook as chosen by random.org is Lisa Buchanan with her comment (including recipe - Thanks Lisa): I make a veggie casserole every Thanksgiving and have learned to lighten it without anyone in my family telling a...Read More
