I think I've finally broken my scale addiction habit. I have now successfully stayed off my home scale for 2 full weeks in a row! This is huge for me. I am not weighing myself like I am an addict, and last week I still thought about it a lot, but this week, I barely thought about it at all. Its nice to have my mind back for awhile.
Unfortunately, the scale was not kind to me this week. I was very hopeful, as I tracked everything I ate, got my water in, and ate within my points. My reward... nothing! I didn't lose, and I didn't gain. This postpartum body really has me tearing my hair out some days.
I can do everything right and lose 2-3 pounds, or I can do everything right and lose nothing. I'm not sure how to deal with that. On top of it all my face is broken out like a hormonal teenager, and I just got over this strange breakout of some type all over my lips. I did not have so many issues reclaiming my "normal" body back after "L" was born, so I have to admit all of this is not something that I expected still 4 months postpartum.
I'm sure my stress levels, and my lack of sleep from having both a 4 month old, that was extra cranky from her shots, and a sick 4 year old both in the past week has probably contributed not only to the stall on the scale, but also to the Clearasil that is needed on my face.
Today after I weighed in, I did sit and mope for awhile. You would have done the same thing... don't lie. But as usual, I left my meeting feeling empowered. It always does that for me. Empowered to take on a new week, keep making healthy choices, and know that eventually the stupid scale has to budge... right?
I hope some day to wake up and be back in my size 8 pants, with perfect skin, and a naive life, but I fear that is not on the docket for any time soon. So in the mean time I do my best. I pick myself up, dust myself off, and continue on the journey. Really... what other options do I have. I am not about to go back to this:
As Winston Churchill said, and I love "Never never never never give up!"
Unfortunately, the scale was not kind to me this week. I was very hopeful, as I tracked everything I ate, got my water in, and ate within my points. My reward... nothing! I didn't lose, and I didn't gain. This postpartum body really has me tearing my hair out some days.
I can do everything right and lose 2-3 pounds, or I can do everything right and lose nothing. I'm not sure how to deal with that. On top of it all my face is broken out like a hormonal teenager, and I just got over this strange breakout of some type all over my lips. I did not have so many issues reclaiming my "normal" body back after "L" was born, so I have to admit all of this is not something that I expected still 4 months postpartum.
I'm sure my stress levels, and my lack of sleep from having both a 4 month old, that was extra cranky from her shots, and a sick 4 year old both in the past week has probably contributed not only to the stall on the scale, but also to the Clearasil that is needed on my face.
Today after I weighed in, I did sit and mope for awhile. You would have done the same thing... don't lie. But as usual, I left my meeting feeling empowered. It always does that for me. Empowered to take on a new week, keep making healthy choices, and know that eventually the stupid scale has to budge... right?
I hope some day to wake up and be back in my size 8 pants, with perfect skin, and a naive life, but I fear that is not on the docket for any time soon. So in the mean time I do my best. I pick myself up, dust myself off, and continue on the journey. Really... what other options do I have. I am not about to go back to this:
As Winston Churchill said, and I love "Never never never never give up!"