About a month ago, I came up with the crazy idea to donate the amount of food, in pounds, equal to the amount of weight I've lost, to the food bank. Weight Watchers was in the middle of their Lose For Good challenge, and I felt inspired by others that were donating their losses as well. At the time, I had lost 107 pounds. It was going to be a lot of food.. that was certain. You probably thought that since you hadn't heard about it in awhile that I chickened out. Nope! I was just busy collecting food. I had some awesome friends/family help me, and two weeks ago, the day I made Lifetime in fact - I donated 7 full bags of groceries - 108.5 pounds of food!
Ironic that the label says 'CHUNKY'! |
It was an amazing feeling to have to make 3 trips out to my car to carry all of the bags. Certainly an eye opener. I used to actually carry all 7 of those bags (in the form of my excess weight) around with me ALL THE TIME! No wonder I always felt tired, achy, and out of breath.
I hope that my commitment to donate 108.5 pounds of food, got you thinking as well. .
Did you do anything for the Lose for Good Challenge?
Even though the official challenge is over, if you didn't donate anything, think about making a donation to your local food bank today. With the troubled economy over the past few years, food banks are serving more hungry people then ever before.