Happy 4th of July week!
Hopefully this finds you on a week long vacation, since the holiday is smack in the middle of the week - how incovenient! Me? Nope... not headed anywhere this week, you'll find me working four days. There are head surgeries to have in the somewhat near future, birthday parties to plan, and trips to North Carolina to be made again this fall, all of that means no 4th of July holiday week for me.
On top of that its hot... really hot, and humid, like can't breathe when you walk out the door humid, and there really isn't a break in sight all week! So... what's a smart, calorie conscious girl to do? Concoct a points-plus friendly version of a delicious, icy cocktail, make it nightly, and repeat!
So, can I offer you a cocktail?
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
1 single-serve packet of Crystal Light lemonade (or similar)
1 oz vodka - if you want more that is between you and the bottle... just make sure to count the calories/points for it. I'm not here to judge
3-4 crushed ice cubes
Sprite Zero, or similar diet lemon-lime soda
Get out a magic bullet- or blender of your choice. I happen to love love love my Magic Bullet (no one paid a dime for me to say that either). Fill with strawberries, lemonade mix, vodka, crushed ice cubes, and fill with sprite to the top - leave a little room so it doesn't overflow when you blend.
Blend on high for about 10 seconds.
Garnish with a lemon slice and strawberry on the side.
Drink, and repeat!
Happy 4th!
Stay cool and safe!
And drink Light Frozen Strawberry Lemonade Responsibly.
Hopefully this finds you on a week long vacation, since the holiday is smack in the middle of the week - how incovenient! Me? Nope... not headed anywhere this week, you'll find me working four days. There are head surgeries to have in the somewhat near future, birthday parties to plan, and trips to North Carolina to be made again this fall, all of that means no 4th of July holiday week for me.
On top of that its hot... really hot, and humid, like can't breathe when you walk out the door humid, and there really isn't a break in sight all week! So... what's a smart, calorie conscious girl to do? Concoct a points-plus friendly version of a delicious, icy cocktail, make it nightly, and repeat!
So, can I offer you a cocktail?
Light Frozen Strawberry Lemonade
Makes 1 @ 2 Points Plus
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
1 single-serve packet of Crystal Light lemonade (or similar)
1 oz vodka - if you want more that is between you and the bottle... just make sure to count the calories/points for it. I'm not here to judge
3-4 crushed ice cubes
Sprite Zero, or similar diet lemon-lime soda
Get out a magic bullet- or blender of your choice. I happen to love love love my Magic Bullet (no one paid a dime for me to say that either). Fill with strawberries, lemonade mix, vodka, crushed ice cubes, and fill with sprite to the top - leave a little room so it doesn't overflow when you blend.
Blend on high for about 10 seconds.
Garnish with a lemon slice and strawberry on the side.
Drink, and repeat!
Happy 4th!
Stay cool and safe!
And drink Light Frozen Strawberry Lemonade Responsibly.
To my partner in the good and bad, "L"s dad, contest winner, coffee loving Canadian, Lily's dad, sometimes forgetful, cute, sweet 95% of the time, best friend, holder of my hand through the death of my own dad, a miscarriage, 30 ultrasounds, 1 echo cardiogram, 1 amnio, 2 C-sections, and as I lost 116 pounds. Cleaner of puke and poop. Wiper of tears.
I know a lot of people write and sent out a Christmas letter. We've never done it before, but I guess this year seems as good as any given the amount of change in our lives. Since I just sent out birth announcements, and we are still working on Thank Yous... sorry if you haven't received yours yet, we are slowly getting through them... I just can't see myself taking on another task this holiday of addressing all of the cards/letters and getting them in the mail.
I decided that most of the people I would normally send this letter to anyway, read my blog.
So here's you go... here's is our Christmas letter... ENJOY!
Dear Friends, Family, and Blog Readers,
As I was wrapping Christmas presents the other day, I could not believe that another year has come and gone. I can hardly believe that in two short days, we'll be celebrating Christmas with our family of 4.
Shortly after Christmas last year, I attend the wedding of my niece in Portland, OR. I went solo, while Mike and "L" stayed home. It was nice to escape Minnesota January for 4 days in balmy Portland, and it was so fun to see my sisters, mom, and brother Bob.
We spent the months of May, June, July, and August at doctor appointment, after appointment. I had 28 ultrasounds and 1 MRI during my pregnancy, but despite all of the dire predictions, our baby, Lily Grace, was born on the 16th of September via a scheduled C-section.
She was 5 pounds and 9 ounces and 18-1/2 inches long. She spent 36 hours in the NICU, but came home when I was released 4 days later!
Prior to our hospital release we finally had our answer to the difficulties during my pregnancy. Lily is missing 1 chromosome - an "X". She is an XO instead of an XX. But that's about all she is missing. In the past 3 months she has shown us that she is a feisty little character, full of projectile vomit (from a horrible case of reflux), but even more full of smiles. She has beautiful blue eyes! Lily will likely have surgery next summer to remove excess skin from the back of her neck and a remainder of the growth from the back of her head. It is considered cosmetic and should be outpatient. Given all the scenarios we could care less that Lily is missing one of her "X"s. She should be able to lead a relatively normal life. She will never be able to have children of her own, and she be quite short, but we will support her as a family however we can.
We've spent the last 3 months loving on our little girl. I can't say Lily has been an easy baby. She has horrible reflux, and is very colicky, but even in the hardest of moments, I find myself staring down at her, and thanking God for letting us hold her and love her on this side of my womb.
The same day that Lily was born I found out that I won the people's choice in the Minnesota's Most Valuable Blogger contest! Thank you to everyone that voted for me. What a thrill to find out I won on the day of Lily's birth.
Last night as I was feeding Lily I was listening to Christmas music on my iPad. Silent night started to play, and as I gazed down at the sweet little girl resting peacefully in my arms, I thought of Mary as a mother... many thousands of years ago, and I cried as I wondered what her pregnancy was like, what struggles she went through before and on the night that Jesus was born. I wondered what she possibly could have thought when she found out that not only was she pregnant with a child she didn't plan on but that she was going to give birth in a barn!
Dear friends, families, and strangers from around that world that have prayed for our family this year. It is because of your prayers, and the amazing power of that baby, that was born in Bethlehem long ago, that I hold my daughter tonight. I will never find the words to thank you enough. This is by far the best Christmas I have ever had. Merry Christmas from our family to yours!
Mike and Sarah
"L" and Lily
Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace, goodwill towards men!
I decided that most of the people I would normally send this letter to anyway, read my blog.
So here's you go... here's is our Christmas letter... ENJOY!
Dear Friends, Family, and Blog Readers,
As I was wrapping Christmas presents the other day, I could not believe that another year has come and gone. I can hardly believe that in two short days, we'll be celebrating Christmas with our family of 4.
Shortly after Christmas last year, I attend the wedding of my niece in Portland, OR. I went solo, while Mike and "L" stayed home. It was nice to escape Minnesota January for 4 days in balmy Portland, and it was so fun to see my sisters, mom, and brother Bob.
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Me and my oldest sister... don't we look hot? |
It wasn't long after arriving home that I was staring at a positive pregnancy test in February. I spent February, March, April, and most of May puking.
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Baby Lily at 6 weeks as a tiny bean. |
In March, after dealing with some issues with "L" refusing to go down stairs, we discovered that he had very bad eyesight, and had no depth perception due to the difference in sight between his two eyes. So... at 3 years old - the same age I was - he got his first pair of glasses, and we started patching his "good eye" nightly for a couple of hours. Just a week ago, he was cleared to stop patching. He has made amazing progress, and yes, I am happy to report that he will now walk down stairs again
In April, I was interviewed and photographed for an article about weight loss bloggers by the big paper here in town, the Minneapolis Star Tribune. I thought it would probably just be a small article with a small picture. Imagine my surprise when I opened up the paper and saw my picture taking up an entire page!
In May, Mike's sister and her little boy traveled to Minnesota to visit with us for a week. The boys had a great time visiting the Mall of America, the zoo, and going to a baseball game.
In August, we celebrated "L"s 4th birthday! It is hard to believe that he was once a tiny little 3 pounder that we could hold in the palm of our hand.
On May 12th, our world turned upside when we learned at our 19 week ultrasound that there were complications with our baby. We spent the months of May, June, July, and August at doctor appointment, after appointment. I had 28 ultrasounds and 1 MRI during my pregnancy, but despite all of the dire predictions, our baby, Lily Grace, was born on the 16th of September via a scheduled C-section.
She was 5 pounds and 9 ounces and 18-1/2 inches long. She spent 36 hours in the NICU, but came home when I was released 4 days later!
Prior to our hospital release we finally had our answer to the difficulties during my pregnancy. Lily is missing 1 chromosome - an "X". She is an XO instead of an XX. But that's about all she is missing. In the past 3 months she has shown us that she is a feisty little character, full of projectile vomit (from a horrible case of reflux), but even more full of smiles. She has beautiful blue eyes! Lily will likely have surgery next summer to remove excess skin from the back of her neck and a remainder of the growth from the back of her head. It is considered cosmetic and should be outpatient. Given all the scenarios we could care less that Lily is missing one of her "X"s. She should be able to lead a relatively normal life. She will never be able to have children of her own, and she be quite short, but we will support her as a family however we can.
We've spent the last 3 months loving on our little girl. I can't say Lily has been an easy baby. She has horrible reflux, and is very colicky, but even in the hardest of moments, I find myself staring down at her, and thanking God for letting us hold her and love her on this side of my womb.
The same day that Lily was born I found out that I won the people's choice in the Minnesota's Most Valuable Blogger contest! Thank you to everyone that voted for me. What a thrill to find out I won on the day of Lily's birth.
Last night as I was feeding Lily I was listening to Christmas music on my iPad. Silent night started to play, and as I gazed down at the sweet little girl resting peacefully in my arms, I thought of Mary as a mother... many thousands of years ago, and I cried as I wondered what her pregnancy was like, what struggles she went through before and on the night that Jesus was born. I wondered what she possibly could have thought when she found out that not only was she pregnant with a child she didn't plan on but that she was going to give birth in a barn!
Dear friends, families, and strangers from around that world that have prayed for our family this year. It is because of your prayers, and the amazing power of that baby, that was born in Bethlehem long ago, that I hold my daughter tonight. I will never find the words to thank you enough. This is by far the best Christmas I have ever had. Merry Christmas from our family to yours!
Mike and Sarah
"L" and Lily
Glory to God in the highest and on earth, peace, goodwill towards men!
Last year I did a healthy edition of my favorite things - things that I personally own and love. This year, given the journey we've been on with our new baby girl, I thought I'd do a different twist on that, and present to you the second annual Fat Little Legs, My Favorite Things - Kids and Baby Edition. Just in time for Christmas!
Fisher Price Rock and Play Sleeper

I cannot say enough about my love for this sleeper. My sister-in-law and family got it for us just after Lily was born. It is the perfect angle for her, given her reflux issues. Last night she slept 8 hours in this thing without making a peep!

This little animal with an attached paci is amazing if your little one is a paci spitter like Lily. They can more easily hold on to it, and keep it in their mouth. She loves to rub this little lamb's head. They also have a ton of other cute designs. Shh... but Lily is getting the caterpillar for Christmas
The Blender Bottle

Invaluable for mixing clumpy formula... like soy! It has a little stainless steel whisk ball in it that breaks up the clumps as you shake it. Also the lid is TIGHT... take it from someone who had a container of formula where the lid popped off recently... not good in your eyes, hair, and mouth! These can also be used to make smoothies and protein shakes. Awesome dual purpose... one for me... one for you!
Puzzle Books from Usbourne

My son loves these books from Usbourne. He loves the story lines, and loves the challenges of finding the hidden objects, and doing the activities on each page.
Crayola Color Wonder Kit - Cars Edition

This has been my standard birthday party gift for the past year. It is perfect for probably 3 years and up. It comes in the Cars Edition like above, or a princess edition, and its reasonably priced at around $15. You can find this at Target too in the school supplies section. The best part is... other parents will love you because the markers and paint included ONLY make color on the special paper and books.
Tiny Love Gymini

We used this with "L" and now already at 2 months Lily loves it. It folds up for easy storage, and it has toys you can hang, but also detach. It plays music - both nursery rhymes and classical. We all love it!

Because both my babies have been tiny, they've had these little itsy bitsy feet that socks never work for. Robeez are amazing! They hold up great... we are using some giraffe ones we had for "L" for Lily right now, and they STAY ON a baby's feet! I got these bubble gum ones for Lily while I was still pregnant.
Moby Wrap

I LOVE my Moby Wrap. I can hold Lily close to me with no hands... how I often work! It works great for when I don't want to haul our car seat into Costco or Target either. Very secure for the baby... and way better than a sling for your back. Its easy to learn to tie, once you practice a few times.
Bumbo Seat

We love the Bumbo! Already at 2 months little Lily can "sit up" in it! You can even buy a tray to attach for feeding or toys.
I could probably go on and on... but I'll stop there.
Disclosure note: While none of these companies are paying me to say these things about their products, these are my Amazon.com affiliate links, and clicking on one and buying something will result in a tiny commission being paid to me.
Fisher Price Rock and Play Sleeper
I cannot say enough about my love for this sleeper. My sister-in-law and family got it for us just after Lily was born. It is the perfect angle for her, given her reflux issues. Last night she slept 8 hours in this thing without making a peep!
This little animal with an attached paci is amazing if your little one is a paci spitter like Lily. They can more easily hold on to it, and keep it in their mouth. She loves to rub this little lamb's head. They also have a ton of other cute designs. Shh... but Lily is getting the caterpillar for Christmas
The Blender Bottle
Invaluable for mixing clumpy formula... like soy! It has a little stainless steel whisk ball in it that breaks up the clumps as you shake it. Also the lid is TIGHT... take it from someone who had a container of formula where the lid popped off recently... not good in your eyes, hair, and mouth! These can also be used to make smoothies and protein shakes. Awesome dual purpose... one for me... one for you!
Puzzle Books from Usbourne
My son loves these books from Usbourne. He loves the story lines, and loves the challenges of finding the hidden objects, and doing the activities on each page.
Crayola Color Wonder Kit - Cars Edition
This has been my standard birthday party gift for the past year. It is perfect for probably 3 years and up. It comes in the Cars Edition like above, or a princess edition, and its reasonably priced at around $15. You can find this at Target too in the school supplies section. The best part is... other parents will love you because the markers and paint included ONLY make color on the special paper and books.
Tiny Love Gymini
We used this with "L" and now already at 2 months Lily loves it. It folds up for easy storage, and it has toys you can hang, but also detach. It plays music - both nursery rhymes and classical. We all love it!
Because both my babies have been tiny, they've had these little itsy bitsy feet that socks never work for. Robeez are amazing! They hold up great... we are using some giraffe ones we had for "L" for Lily right now, and they STAY ON a baby's feet! I got these bubble gum ones for Lily while I was still pregnant.
Moby Wrap
I LOVE my Moby Wrap. I can hold Lily close to me with no hands... how I often work! It works great for when I don't want to haul our car seat into Costco or Target either. Very secure for the baby... and way better than a sling for your back. Its easy to learn to tie, once you practice a few times.
Bumbo Seat
We love the Bumbo! Already at 2 months little Lily can "sit up" in it! You can even buy a tray to attach for feeding or toys.
I could probably go on and on... but I'll stop there.
Disclosure note: While none of these companies are paying me to say these things about their products, these are my Amazon.com affiliate links, and clicking on one and buying something will result in a tiny commission being paid to me.
It's Thanksgiving Eve... and many times I've thought of composing this post, and each time I even stare at the blank screen I start to cry.
For despite dealing with lack of sleep, low self-esteem, a colicky, refluxy baby, and a house that always seems in mess and chaos, I have never been more thankful.
At the beginning of this year, I set out some major goals: run a 10k, eat cleaner, lose 10 more pounds, but its funny how goals change. Here I am, with only a month left in the year, not having run a 10k, in fact, I haven't run since February, admitting that I have eaten way more than my share of pies and licorice, and 40 pounds more than I was last Thanksgiving. And while I find it hard to look at myself in the mirror these days and love what I see, I still have never been more thankful.
I have a turkey breast in my fridge to cook for tomorrow - who knows if it will ever make it to the oven, and my mashed potatoes are prepackaged from Costco, I have no gravy, and I shudder to think that my cranberries may actually have to come out of a can. I have high hopes to make a pumpkin bread pudding recipe, but in my heart I know that we'll end up with a store bought pie. And yet... I've never been more thankful!
At work this past week, I found spit up crusted to the shoulder of my new Ann Taylor shirt, and there was no makeup on my face. About 2 pm I felt as though I might actually collapse in a heap on top of my desk, and yet I have never been more thankful.
I clean poop out of the underwear of a 4 year old that can't seem to learn that holding it in all day is not working for him... and yet I've never been more thankful.
Currently I have no clean sheets, and in fact the last 2 nights I have slept on top of a pillowcase thrown over baby puke on my sheets. I also currently have no clean pajamas due to being projectile vomited on many times. My bedroom smells like sour milk and my couches are going to have to be replaced, but yet the reason is because there is a real, live baby girl projectile vomiting all over these items, and I have never been more thankful!
As you gather your families around the Thanksgiving table tomorrow, remember that you never know what is going to happen in life. Life can change so suddenly. So make sure to enjoy every single minute you have with the ones you love, and thank God for them regardless of the difficulties or circumstances.
Remember to give thanks for the obvious things... and maybe the not so obvious ones too!
For despite dealing with lack of sleep, low self-esteem, a colicky, refluxy baby, and a house that always seems in mess and chaos, I have never been more thankful.
At the beginning of this year, I set out some major goals: run a 10k, eat cleaner, lose 10 more pounds, but its funny how goals change. Here I am, with only a month left in the year, not having run a 10k, in fact, I haven't run since February, admitting that I have eaten way more than my share of pies and licorice, and 40 pounds more than I was last Thanksgiving. And while I find it hard to look at myself in the mirror these days and love what I see, I still have never been more thankful.
I have a turkey breast in my fridge to cook for tomorrow - who knows if it will ever make it to the oven, and my mashed potatoes are prepackaged from Costco, I have no gravy, and I shudder to think that my cranberries may actually have to come out of a can. I have high hopes to make a pumpkin bread pudding recipe, but in my heart I know that we'll end up with a store bought pie. And yet... I've never been more thankful!
At work this past week, I found spit up crusted to the shoulder of my new Ann Taylor shirt, and there was no makeup on my face. About 2 pm I felt as though I might actually collapse in a heap on top of my desk, and yet I have never been more thankful.
I clean poop out of the underwear of a 4 year old that can't seem to learn that holding it in all day is not working for him... and yet I've never been more thankful.
Currently I have no clean sheets, and in fact the last 2 nights I have slept on top of a pillowcase thrown over baby puke on my sheets. I also currently have no clean pajamas due to being projectile vomited on many times. My bedroom smells like sour milk and my couches are going to have to be replaced, but yet the reason is because there is a real, live baby girl projectile vomiting all over these items, and I have never been more thankful!
As you gather your families around the Thanksgiving table tomorrow, remember that you never know what is going to happen in life. Life can change so suddenly. So make sure to enjoy every single minute you have with the ones you love, and thank God for them regardless of the difficulties or circumstances.
Remember to give thanks for the obvious things... and maybe the not so obvious ones too!
A repost from last Thanksgiving... here are my favorite Thanksgiving recipes - PointsPlus values included! ENJOY!
Cranberry Orange Relish
There is nothing I love more than a tasty cranberry sauce. It is SO easy to make… and tastes 1000 times better than the canned stuff. This is awesome as a condiment for sandwiches, and even a dessert topping. This is the recipe I’ve used for the past several years. I’ve lightened it by subbing some Splenda for the sugar and using Light Orange Juice.
Makes approximately 4 cups of sauce.
1 serving = ¼ cup = 1 Weight Watchers PointsPlus Value
½ cup Splenda
½ cup Honey
2 cups Orange Juice – I use Trop50 Light Orange Juice
2 Tbsp peeled and grated fresh ginger root
2 Tbsp fresh orange zest
1 cinnamon stick
3 cups fresh cranberries – basically 1 bag
1 tsp sea salt
In a medium saucepan over low heat, combine the Splenda, honey and orange juice. Simmer until everything is completely dissolved. Add the ginger, orange zest and cinnamon stick. Stir. Next, add the cranberries and simmer stirring occasionally for 45-60 minutes. The mixture should become thick. Remove from heat and stir in the salt.
This can be made several days in advance and kept in the refrigerator.
Sarah’s Stuffing
This is an adaptation of a recipe I found about 5 years ago on www.allrecipes.com. I’ve changed some of the ingredients to my tastes, and lightened it a bit, eliminating unneeded butter, and using reduced-fat sausage.
12 servings
1 serving = ½ cup = 4 Weight Watchers PointsPlus Values
12 oz Jimmy Dean reduced-fat sausage
2 cups chopped onion
2 apples – peeled, cored, and chopped
2 cups chopped celery
1 Tbsp poultry seasoning
1 tsp dried rosemary
1 cup dried cranberries
14 oz Pre package stuffing mix – like Pepperidge Farm
2 cups fat-free chicken broth
1 Tbsp fresh sage leaves
Salt and pepper to taste
In a large skillet over medium heat cook the sausage until brown. Transfer the sausage to a large bowl. Now, use the same skillet over medium heat and add the onions, apples, celery, and poultry seasoning. Cook, stirring frequently for about 10 minutes. Stir in rosemary, cranberries, and sage.
Mix the onion mixture with the sausage mixture and Stuffing Mix in the large bowl. Add the chicken broth and salt and pepper to taste.
I’ll be honest; I usually don’t stuff the turkey… I actually make this the day before, and then put it in my crock pot on low to reheat on Thanksgiving Day. Easy Peasy… and delicious!
Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes – aka Drunk Potatoes
Makes 8 servings
1 serving = ½ of a full potato = 6 Weight Watchers PointsPlus Values
My husband is Canadian, and last year he went to his sister’s house in Vancouver for Canadian Thanksgiving… which is in October – usually the same day as Columbus Day in the US. They made sweet potatoes that were glazed with a mixture of Kahlua, butter, and sugar. I took the same ingredients… added in a streusel topping and decided to make twice baked potatoes with it instead… here’s the yummy result:
4 medium-sized sweet potatoes/yams
3 Tbsp Light Butter
3 Tbsp firmly packed brown sugar
¼ cup Kahlua or other coffee flavored Liqueur
For the topping:
3 Tbsp packed brown sugar
2 Tbsp all purpose flour
2 Tbsp Light Butter, softened
¼ cup chopped pecans
Cut the potatoes lengthwise in half; place the cut-sides down on a non-stick baking sheet. Bake 30 to 35 min. on 425 degrees or until tender.
Remove from oven and cool a few minutes until you can handle them, and then scoop out the centers of potatoes into a bowl, leaving behind the shell.
Add 3 Tbsp of the light butter, 3 Tbsp of the brown sugar, and the Kahlua to the sweet potatoes. Mash until everything is well combined, and mixture is fairly smooth.
Fill the shells with potato mixture;
In a separate bowl, combine the topping ingredients: 3 Tbsp brown sugar, the flour, 2 Tbsp Light Butter, and the chopped pecans. Mix together until crumbly. Top each potato with about a Tbsp of the mixture.
Return the potatoes to the oven and bake for 10-15 minutes or until the filling is heated through and the crumb topping is just starting to brown.
Green Beans with Yellow Pepper Butter
This is a classic recipe that makes an excellent substitution to the traditional Green Bean Casserole that is found on many Thanksgiving dinner tables. This recipe was taken from the Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook, and adapted by me to lighten it up. I think it tastes just as great as the original.
Serves 8
Servings Size = ½ cup = 3 PointsPlus Values
1 tablespoon butter
1 medium yellow sweet pepper, coarsely shredded
4 tablespoons margarine or butter, softened
1/4 cup pine nuts
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon black pepper
4 cups green beans, trimmed
1 large yellow sweet pepper, cut into thin strips
In a small saucepan melt the 1 tablespoon butter. Add the shredded sweet pepper. Cook over medium-high heat for 5 minutes or until crisp-tender. Set aside.
In a blender or food processor bowl combine the 4 Tablespoons softened butter and the pine nuts. Cover; blend or process until almost smooth. Add cooked sweet pepper, lemon juice, salt, and black pepper. Cover; blend or process until almost smooth. Set aside.
In a covered saucepan cook beans in a small amount of boiling water for 12 minutes. Add the sweet pepper strips the last 3 minutes of cooking. Drain the beans and sweet pepper strips.
To serve, transfer beans and sweet pepper strips to a serving bowl. Add the blended margarine mixture; toss to coat.
Cranberry Orange Relish
There is nothing I love more than a tasty cranberry sauce. It is SO easy to make… and tastes 1000 times better than the canned stuff. This is awesome as a condiment for sandwiches, and even a dessert topping. This is the recipe I’ve used for the past several years. I’ve lightened it by subbing some Splenda for the sugar and using Light Orange Juice.
Makes approximately 4 cups of sauce.
1 serving = ¼ cup = 1 Weight Watchers PointsPlus Value
½ cup Splenda
½ cup Honey
2 cups Orange Juice – I use Trop50 Light Orange Juice
2 Tbsp peeled and grated fresh ginger root
2 Tbsp fresh orange zest
1 cinnamon stick
3 cups fresh cranberries – basically 1 bag
1 tsp sea salt
In a medium saucepan over low heat, combine the Splenda, honey and orange juice. Simmer until everything is completely dissolved. Add the ginger, orange zest and cinnamon stick. Stir. Next, add the cranberries and simmer stirring occasionally for 45-60 minutes. The mixture should become thick. Remove from heat and stir in the salt.
This can be made several days in advance and kept in the refrigerator.
Sarah’s Stuffing
This is an adaptation of a recipe I found about 5 years ago on www.allrecipes.com. I’ve changed some of the ingredients to my tastes, and lightened it a bit, eliminating unneeded butter, and using reduced-fat sausage.
12 servings
1 serving = ½ cup = 4 Weight Watchers PointsPlus Values
12 oz Jimmy Dean reduced-fat sausage
2 cups chopped onion
2 apples – peeled, cored, and chopped
2 cups chopped celery
1 Tbsp poultry seasoning
1 tsp dried rosemary
1 cup dried cranberries
14 oz Pre package stuffing mix – like Pepperidge Farm
2 cups fat-free chicken broth
1 Tbsp fresh sage leaves
Salt and pepper to taste
In a large skillet over medium heat cook the sausage until brown. Transfer the sausage to a large bowl. Now, use the same skillet over medium heat and add the onions, apples, celery, and poultry seasoning. Cook, stirring frequently for about 10 minutes. Stir in rosemary, cranberries, and sage.
Mix the onion mixture with the sausage mixture and Stuffing Mix in the large bowl. Add the chicken broth and salt and pepper to taste.
I’ll be honest; I usually don’t stuff the turkey… I actually make this the day before, and then put it in my crock pot on low to reheat on Thanksgiving Day. Easy Peasy… and delicious!
Twice Baked Sweet Potatoes – aka Drunk Potatoes
Makes 8 servings
1 serving = ½ of a full potato = 6 Weight Watchers PointsPlus Values
My husband is Canadian, and last year he went to his sister’s house in Vancouver for Canadian Thanksgiving… which is in October – usually the same day as Columbus Day in the US. They made sweet potatoes that were glazed with a mixture of Kahlua, butter, and sugar. I took the same ingredients… added in a streusel topping and decided to make twice baked potatoes with it instead… here’s the yummy result:
4 medium-sized sweet potatoes/yams
3 Tbsp Light Butter
3 Tbsp firmly packed brown sugar
¼ cup Kahlua or other coffee flavored Liqueur
For the topping:
3 Tbsp packed brown sugar
2 Tbsp all purpose flour
2 Tbsp Light Butter, softened
¼ cup chopped pecans
Cut the potatoes lengthwise in half; place the cut-sides down on a non-stick baking sheet. Bake 30 to 35 min. on 425 degrees or until tender.
Remove from oven and cool a few minutes until you can handle them, and then scoop out the centers of potatoes into a bowl, leaving behind the shell.
Add 3 Tbsp of the light butter, 3 Tbsp of the brown sugar, and the Kahlua to the sweet potatoes. Mash until everything is well combined, and mixture is fairly smooth.
Fill the shells with potato mixture;
In a separate bowl, combine the topping ingredients: 3 Tbsp brown sugar, the flour, 2 Tbsp Light Butter, and the chopped pecans. Mix together until crumbly. Top each potato with about a Tbsp of the mixture.
Return the potatoes to the oven and bake for 10-15 minutes or until the filling is heated through and the crumb topping is just starting to brown.
Green Beans with Yellow Pepper Butter
This is a classic recipe that makes an excellent substitution to the traditional Green Bean Casserole that is found on many Thanksgiving dinner tables. This recipe was taken from the Better Homes and Gardens Cookbook, and adapted by me to lighten it up. I think it tastes just as great as the original.
Serves 8
Servings Size = ½ cup = 3 PointsPlus Values
1 tablespoon butter
1 medium yellow sweet pepper, coarsely shredded
4 tablespoons margarine or butter, softened
1/4 cup pine nuts
1 tablespoon lemon juice
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon black pepper
4 cups green beans, trimmed
1 large yellow sweet pepper, cut into thin strips
In a small saucepan melt the 1 tablespoon butter. Add the shredded sweet pepper. Cook over medium-high heat for 5 minutes or until crisp-tender. Set aside.
In a blender or food processor bowl combine the 4 Tablespoons softened butter and the pine nuts. Cover; blend or process until almost smooth. Add cooked sweet pepper, lemon juice, salt, and black pepper. Cover; blend or process until almost smooth. Set aside.
In a covered saucepan cook beans in a small amount of boiling water for 12 minutes. Add the sweet pepper strips the last 3 minutes of cooking. Drain the beans and sweet pepper strips.
To serve, transfer beans and sweet pepper strips to a serving bowl. Add the blended margarine mixture; toss to coat.
Happy Belated Independence Day! We were so incredibly busy having fun and soaking in the sun over the past 3 days that I totally forgot to blog!
My weekend? Amazing! The weather was perfect, we saw a parade, and "L" and I made this:
Its this recipe... Yes it was a ton of work, but amazingly delicious, and no it is probably something you don't want to know the Points Plus values for.
This weekend I took the time to celebrate my freedom. Freedom from what?
-- From constantly thinking about the issues with my pregnancy and our baby girl, and just loving life for a few days - eating BBQ ribs, watching a parade, roasting smores, and running in the sprinkler
-- From thinking about food constantly (yes I know I get a pass this year as I'm pregnant), and just trying to be conscious about portions, making sure what I am eating is fresh (see above cheesecake, no artificial ingredients there), tastes amazing, and is always in moderation!
-- Guilt (mommy guilt, food guilt, weight guilt, not writing on blog guilt).
I also thank God I live in a country that allows me to express my opinions and live my life the way I want to live it! Happy Birthday USA!
At the same time I celebrated my 13th wedding anniversary yesterday. 13 years ago on July 4, 1998 I married my best friend. When you say wedding vows there is usually something in there about for better and for worse. Well... there have been lots of "betters", but in the past several years, we seem to have had our share of "worsts". During the betters, life is easy, marriage is easy. Thinking about it, I am certainly glad though that through the worsts I have my husband by my side. I cannot imagine doing any of this without him, or with someone else. Hopefully in the near future we'll be able to enjoy the betters together once again.
My weekend? Amazing! The weather was perfect, we saw a parade, and "L" and I made this:
Its this recipe... Yes it was a ton of work, but amazingly delicious, and no it is probably something you don't want to know the Points Plus values for.
This weekend I took the time to celebrate my freedom. Freedom from what?
-- From constantly thinking about the issues with my pregnancy and our baby girl, and just loving life for a few days - eating BBQ ribs, watching a parade, roasting smores, and running in the sprinkler
-- From thinking about food constantly (yes I know I get a pass this year as I'm pregnant), and just trying to be conscious about portions, making sure what I am eating is fresh (see above cheesecake, no artificial ingredients there), tastes amazing, and is always in moderation!
-- Guilt (mommy guilt, food guilt, weight guilt, not writing on blog guilt).
I also thank God I live in a country that allows me to express my opinions and live my life the way I want to live it! Happy Birthday USA!
At the same time I celebrated my 13th wedding anniversary yesterday. 13 years ago on July 4, 1998 I married my best friend. When you say wedding vows there is usually something in there about for better and for worse. Well... there have been lots of "betters", but in the past several years, we seem to have had our share of "worsts". During the betters, life is easy, marriage is easy. Thinking about it, I am certainly glad though that through the worsts I have my husband by my side. I cannot imagine doing any of this without him, or with someone else. Hopefully in the near future we'll be able to enjoy the betters together once again.
Chocolate Advent Calendars, Walking Taco Dip, Little Smokies, Peanut Butter Almond Bark Balls, Homemade Chex Mix.... these are a few of my favorite things!
Actually, these are some of the many holiday food traditions in my family. When I was younger we always got together on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve, not to mention Christmas Day and New Years Day. There was ALWAYS tons of food! It is what the holidays were about, or so it seemed. Sorry family - who I know are reading this - but you know how true this is.
As I’ve worked towards losing weight the last couple of years, I’ve had to find a way to keep some of the traditions that are important to me, while at the same time trying to alter the intense focus I’ve always had on food at this time of the year.
I won’t lie… it’s been hard. Even today, I found myself making a shopping list for New Year’s Eve and Day that included an Asian appetizer night and filet Mignon with a peppercorn sauce!
One of my family’s most important traditions is making (and eating of course) Lefse. According to our friends at Wikipedia, “Lefse is a traditional soft, Norwegian flatbread. Lefse is made out of potato, milk or cream (or sometimes lard) and flour, and cooked on a griddle.” According to me, “Lefse is a potato tortilla.” I have NEVER made lefse before until this year. Mostly, I didn’t own the griddle it requires, so appropriately name a “Lefse Grill”.
Imagine my surprise, when about 2 weeks before Christmas I had a GIANT package from Amazon outside my door. I opened it up to discover this:
There was no card, nothing explaining this to me… but I had a suspicion… so I called my mom. “Uh, mom…Why is there a lefse grill outside my front door?” My suspicions were correct – an early Christmas present from my mother. Now, I too, would be required to follow the family tradition and make lefse.
So last Thursday, I set out on my lefse adventure. I had boiled the potatoes the night before, and I mixed in milk, butter, and flour. I rolled into balls, and plugged in the lefse grill. Bzzt and then total darkness… the lefse grill blew the fuse in our kitchen! After sending my husband to reset the fuse, and realizing it was possibly the combination of coffee pot, toaster oven, microwave, and lefse grill all running at once – yes I’m a multitasker – we turned some of those off, and finally were ready to go.
I rolled, and flipped…

And I finished with a big pile of lefse!
A lefse-making virgin no more!
Now you are probably wondering what we do with Lefse… well of course you take the biggest spread of cheese you can, and the biggest sausage you can find, and roll up inside for a Christmas morning breakfast delicacy! YIKES!
As I said earlier, I want to keep some of the traditions alive, but I have to find a way to adapt things like lefse filled with cheese and sausage. So what’s a good, weight watching, Norwegian girl to do? Well… find some low-fat apple, Gouda sausage of course, lite Kaukauana port wine cheese, and enter the lefse into the recipe builder at WeightWatchers.com to determine the PointsPlus value (4 if you care) and enjoy! It’s a maybe twice a year treat… that can now fit into my life and my plan.
The final verdict on my first lefse by my family… yummy!
So… how do you fit family food traditions into your healthier lifestyle?
I trust that you all had a fabulous holiday weekend.
If the fun of my Christmas was in direct proportion to the amount food I ate than I had a great one! A great thing for having a fun. A horrible thing for the way my pants feel this morning!
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day I gave myself permission to eat whatever I wanted, as long as it was special – something I normally don’t eat/have. Well… I guess I apparently was feeling a little suppressed, because everything was special and I had some. Honestly, though, most things really were things I don’t normally have:
Tamales – check
Beef Taquitos – check
Lots of Guacamole - check
Godiva Chocolate from my stocking – check check triple check!
Lefse – homemade by me – with butter or cheese and apple Gouda sausage – check
Cranberry Walnut Bread – check
Marzipan Stolen - check
So many pieces of fudge and lemon curd shortbread cookies that I lost count – again made by me check x 100
Various glasses of champagne, bloody Marys and other alcoholic beverages – check!
Homemade Chex Mix – gotta have it!
Cheesy Twice Baked Potatoes - check
Cherry Pie – check!
So there… you can see that, I too, am fallen.
I stand before you confessing my holiday food sins. Except guess what? I don’t feel much shame… maybe a little – mostly for the little bit of spillover I had into Sunday.
Yeah, my pants feel tight this morning, and I’m having a sugar hangover. I’m up 8 pounds (not kidding), most of which HAS to be water retention right? – think ham + alcohol = double whammy! The old me would have thrown in the towel for the rest of the year, which sounds way worse than it is at this point in the calendar. But the new me… she got up, showered, put the tight pants on, did her hair and makeup, made a breakfast of oatmeal and yogurt, worked out, turned down an invite to eat lunch out and instead ate a small ham sandwich, a banana, an orange, and some cucumbers, and drank 6 glasses of water today so far. She is moving on with …away from those few days of eating with abandon.
Good try ghosts of fat Sarah past… I know this trick you play… but you lose this time!
I win! I win because I did Christmas the way I wanted, and am still under goal (barely) and here to tell about it. So I’m up a few pounds… I know exactly what to do about that. I’m not going to let it get me down.
As I’ve said many times before… this is life and I intend on living it! Besides… it’s Monday
How are you recovering from Christmas, or do you even need recovery?
If the fun of my Christmas was in direct proportion to the amount food I ate than I had a great one! A great thing for having a fun. A horrible thing for the way my pants feel this morning!
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day I gave myself permission to eat whatever I wanted, as long as it was special – something I normally don’t eat/have. Well… I guess I apparently was feeling a little suppressed, because everything was special and I had some. Honestly, though, most things really were things I don’t normally have:
Tamales – check
Beef Taquitos – check
Lots of Guacamole - check
Godiva Chocolate from my stocking – check check triple check!
Lefse – homemade by me – with butter or cheese and apple Gouda sausage – check
Cranberry Walnut Bread – check
Marzipan Stolen - check
So many pieces of fudge and lemon curd shortbread cookies that I lost count – again made by me check x 100
Various glasses of champagne, bloody Marys and other alcoholic beverages – check!
Homemade Chex Mix – gotta have it!
Cheesy Twice Baked Potatoes - check
Cherry Pie – check!
So there… you can see that, I too, am fallen.
I stand before you confessing my holiday food sins. Except guess what? I don’t feel much shame… maybe a little – mostly for the little bit of spillover I had into Sunday.
Yeah, my pants feel tight this morning, and I’m having a sugar hangover. I’m up 8 pounds (not kidding), most of which HAS to be water retention right? – think ham + alcohol = double whammy! The old me would have thrown in the towel for the rest of the year, which sounds way worse than it is at this point in the calendar. But the new me… she got up, showered, put the tight pants on, did her hair and makeup, made a breakfast of oatmeal and yogurt, worked out, turned down an invite to eat lunch out and instead ate a small ham sandwich, a banana, an orange, and some cucumbers, and drank 6 glasses of water today so far. She is moving on with …away from those few days of eating with abandon.
Good try ghosts of fat Sarah past… I know this trick you play… but you lose this time!
I win! I win because I did Christmas the way I wanted, and am still under goal (barely) and here to tell about it. So I’m up a few pounds… I know exactly what to do about that. I’m not going to let it get me down.
As I’ve said many times before… this is life and I intend on living it! Besides… it’s Monday
How are you recovering from Christmas, or do you even need recovery?