One Year Ago... - Fat Little Legs

One Year Ago...

July 14, 2012

1 year ago I found out what an encephalocele was...
I year ago I was told that it was likely that my baby's brain was growing out of the back of her head through a hole in her skull...
I year ago today I'll admit I wasn't hopeful, and yet, I was still praying and trusting for "my" miracle...

What a difference a year makes!

I got "my" miracle!  There is certainly no hole is this baby girl's head.  She is "talking"  mama, dada, ball, she is crawling, she is thriving!

And we are so glad that our God is greater, our God is stronger!  And that doctors are earthly and as such, sometimes wrong.

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  1. And Praise God for it all!!!!!! :) So happy to be on this crazy journey we call life with you as a friend...so glad that the worst news possible brought you to our blog, made you fall in love with Liddy, and made you reach out to me.
    I love you both!

  2. WONDERFUL and most wonderful and out of that all whooping!!!

  3. LOVE!!!!! She is am amzing little girl. :)


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