Like Mother, Like Daughter - Fat Little Legs

Like Mother, Like Daughter

February 10, 2012

You might remember - or not if you're new - back in April of 2011, when this article appear in the Minneapolis Star Tribune:

Blogging it off: Lose weight, with help

It was the first time I've ever been published!

And now, with the help of another local new source, I've been published... again, or rather I should say Ms. Lily has been published.  Like Mother, Like Daughter!

Yesterday the Eagan Patch ran part 1 in a two-part series:
How Eagan's Lily Reitsma Beat the Odds
And today was Part 2.

I am so honored that their editor chose to do a story about Turner Syndrome and to help spread Turner Syndrome awareness!  Thank you!

Also... starting today, I'll be blogging regularly for the Patch.  Yes... I was feeling bored, you know with a 4 year old, 4 month old, and full time job, so I decided I needed something else to do!  I'll mostly be sharing content from here, but stayed tuned because you never know what might end up over there, that isn't posted here!

Now, if the line will form orderly to the left... we'll get started with the autograph signing...

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  1. Lily is an amazing miracle...and congrats on being a blogger in your local paper! That's definitely something to cheer about.

  2. Congratulations! What a great opportunity to encourage other parents out there thay may be struggling with these worries. You amaze me!

  3. CONGRATS!!! :) The article was awesome by the way!!


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