Another Beautiful Butterfly is Born - Fat Little Legs

Another Beautiful Butterfly is Born

February 22, 2012

A few weeks ago, I received a message from another mother telling me that her unborn baby had Turner Syndrome, diagnosed 13 weeks into her pregnancy.  She was currently 34 weeks pregnant and awaiting the birth of her baby.  She touched my heart when she told me, "I have read your posts and would like to thank you for sharing them. They have helped us stay positive, but yet be okay with our true feelings sometimes."  She specifically referenced this post.  Rereading it today, still stings, still makes me cry.

Of course when I found out her baby was born this past week, I asked if I could announce it for her to the world!  And so, it is my distinct pleasure to announce today that another beautiful butterfly is here

Abbey Raelyn
Born on 2/18/12 at 1:13 am
Weighing 6 pounds and 5 ounces and is 18.5 inches long

Her mom says, "She is our little fighter and put up a good fight coming out.   We are so lucky to have her here!"

Welcome Abbey!  We are so happy you made it from your mommy's womb into her arms!
You are gorgeous, and Lily is lucky to have another Turner Syndrome sister.  I hope someday our girls can meet face to face.

Do me a favor today... leave a comment for Christy and Abbey, welcoming Abbey!  I'll make sure that Christy gets all of them.

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  1. Welcome Abbey! I know my little cousin Lily is absolutely perfect despite everything and Abbey is too. Welcome to the world and way to beat the odds!

  2. What a beautiful baby! Welcome from Lily's Aunt!

  3. Welcome to the Butterfly sisterhood Abbey!! My Josslyn was so happy to know another TS sister was born! Happy Birth Day!

  4. Welcome Abbey. My cousin's baby Lily is such an angel as you are too.

  5. Welcome to the world Abbey! You look fabulous! And congrats to mom and dad too!

  6. Welcome Little Butterfly....you are Beautiful!

  7. Thank you Sarah, this is just awesome! Thank you everyone. Abbey is just as lucky to have Lily as a TS sister, and I do hope they can meet someday.
    Christy, Scott and Abbey

  8. Thank you for welcoming Abbey on your blog! She is a miracle baby and we wish her the best in everything she does. She has an amazing family, the most caring parents and the most wonderful siblings! I have been reading your blog after Christy made reference to it a few months ago. I'm trying to educate myself and my husband on TS so we can be a pedicle of support for Christy, Scott, Abbey, and her siblings. Thank you again for writing about TS, bringing awareness, and thank you again for the post on Abbey.

    Thanks, Stephanie (proud auntie of Abbey)

  9. Welcome to the world Abbey. Get ready to unfurl your beautiful butterfly wings and soar into the sky :)


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