Another week is here... another Monday - the last Monday of July! Part of me hates Monday, but part of me knows it is another week closer to finally having this pregnancy over with - no I AM NOT wishing for an early end... believe me, but I am wishing for the weeks to go by quickly, as I really need some closure - which I also realize I may never get, depending on the outcome.
Anyways... that's not why I'm writing. I'm writing because its Monday and that means here's my menu for this week!
Dilled Chicken Fricasse - Recipe Below
Pioneer Woman's meatloaf - lightened, Baked Potatoes
BLTs - except pregnancy makes me hate lettuce, so we do BATs - Bacon, Avocado, Tomato
Pancakes with blueberries
Spaghetti w/Tomato Sauce
Pita Pizzas - never got to these last week - with turkey pepperoni
Also... in response to the question about making chicken fajitas on the grill. Here's my method. Season chicken breasts however you like and grill just like any other chicken. Cut up various color peppers and onion (I use red onion) and divide among several pieces of tin foil - roll up the edges. Place on grill for around 10 minutes, flip and keep on for about 10 minutes more. Cut up chicken into strips once its off the grill, serve chicken and veggies with all the fixin's on tortillas.
Dilled Chicken Fricasse
Serves 4 at 8 Points Plus each
My mom's recipe - a must make if you have fresh green beans and dill - we had both from our garden this weekend. To me this tastes like a chicken, potatoes, and gravy Sunday meal all done in one pan. My husband doesn't like green beans and he loved this!
Mix together in a pie plate:
1/3 cup flour
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp paprika
4 (4 oz each) chicken breasts - 1 pound total
1 Tbsp olive oil
coat chicken breasts - both sides - in flour mixture and cook in oil 3 minutes per side - until golden brown on each side.
2 cups of chicken broth
4 Tbsp fresh dill, divided
10 new baby potatoes
1 Tbsp lemon juice
2 cups fresh green beans
Add broth to hot pan, along with the remaining flour mixture, and 2 Tbsp of the dill. Stir well, and bring to a boil. Add the potatoes, simmer covered for 10 minutes. Add the green beans, cover again, and cook another 10 minutes. Add in remaining 2 Tbsp of dill and the lemon juice.
I know that this has nothing to do with what your blog is about, but I wanted to say thank you for reading mine. :) If ever you need ANYTHING, feel free to call on me. God understands anger, he understands pain. And heaven knows, I am almost an expert on both nowadays too! lol