Raise Your Glass - Fat Little Legs

Raise Your Glass

March 16, 2011

So tomorrow I get to drink this:

If you haven’t had the pleasure to ingest such a drink before, then let me tell you a little about  this delectable treat… you know orange pop, right? Take a liquid concentrate of that minus the fizz. Yes… it is gross! It is sweet! It is not nice to do this to a still nauseous pregnant woman. Oh yeah and its 300 calories! Ok… that kills the Weight Watcher in me just slightly.

But… I don’t have a choice. I will do this at tomorrow at about 11-1/2 weeks, to test for gestational diabetes, and if when I pass I will do it again between 24-28 weeks, because I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with “L” and I'm now at increased risk to have it again.  Gestational diabetes is caused by a reaction of your body to the hormones secreted by the placenta (my interpretation of Web MD). Most people – meaning 96% of the population - manage to secrete enough insulin to combat this… 4% of us can’t, thus resulting in the condition of gestational diabetes. Its basically like type 2 diabetes – you get to follow a limiting diet and take blood sugars 2-4 times a day with a meter. It typically goes away after delivery, but you do have a much increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes in the future.

So why do I have to do this so early this time? Well… because I had it before. Why did I have it before? Because I was fat obese when I was pregnant with my son. I treated my body horribly, and in return in it gave me the favor of this back.

Remember this post? And this one? Those were my hints to you I was pregnant. Go back and read them.  They'll give you context on why I so distrust my body... why I feel doomed to fail at pregnancy.  I’m terrified my body is going to rebel again this pregnancy, and I’m terrified of what that means for me… and my baby.  Last time it meant 27 days in the nicu.  I can't do that again.  I just can't.

I have to remember that past failures do not predict future results. They don’t. That has to be my mantra.  My life has changed. I am healthier and 115 pounds less than 2-1/2 years ago… and I’m about 135 pounds less than I was when I was pregnant with my "L". The rules SHOULD be different this time, I know that deep down… but there is no guarantee.  If you aren't familiar with my pregnancy story with "L" you should probably read this.

So tomorrow morning at 8:30 central time I will raise my glass of orange glucose drink to health and an uneventful pregnancy. Join me if you want – of course with your own drink of choice - and raise your own glass to celebrate the changes you’ve made in your own health, however big or small, this year, month, or even week.  CHEERS!

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  1. I will raise a few oz's of diet sunkist for you tomorrow morning!

  2. I will raise a glass of Trop 50 Orange Juice for you! I will certainly be thinking of you!

  3. Oh the joy. Here's to no body failure!

  4. Congrats! so excited for you...you will be just fine..and think you are fit and fab now!

  5. Love this post!! Cheers to our past successes, and all of our future successes!!

  6. Thinking of you - hope all went well this morning! Cheers!!!!!

  7. Thanks everyone! Everything went well this morning, meaning I did not throw up... and I got lemon lime... much better than orange! Just awaiting my results... have been told that no news is GOOD news, so I'm hoping for NO NEWS!

  8. Here's to no news!! Congratulations on your pregnancy!!! I had to drink that nasty stuff while pregnant as well. Its kinda like looking into the future as I read your posts. (I hope anyhow!) I had GD as well and then PE. I am looking forward to all of your posts. Thank you for letting us follow along. Here's to a healthy pregnancy!!

  9. I know I would have puked up that orange stuff. YUCK! lemon lime sounds much more palletable! Then again I have chugged some pretty nasty other hospital goo concotions for mri's and stuff "berry barium" at room temperature YUCK!!!!
    I have fingers crossed for you that no news is good news :)

  10. I agree!! Think positive and speak positive!! This is not doomed, this is your brilliant perfect path where God is ordering your steps and protecting you and your wee little bun in the oven! All will be well and your right, your past doesn't predict your future!! Congrats again, such sweet news!


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