Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Shelter and Warmth

If you haven't figured it out by now, I live in Minnesota.  And yes, to answer your next question it is COLD here, the arctic tundra really.  It is not unusual for us to have sub-zero days in December, January, and February - yes DAYS plural.

BRRR... I always wonder why I live here.  But there is something that happens to you after awhile.  You don't enjoy the cold, and you do think about it when you are going out, but I think you eventually learn to ignore it.  You don't notice it as much - you just figure this is a fact of life here in the cold, harsh north.  You deal, and you wish for spring come quickly.

So today, given my geographical location, I am thankful for shelter and warmth.  I have a really lovely house.  Its the perfect size for us, and it has a fabulous, modern kitchen that I so appreciate.  I am thankful for long underwear, down comforters, heat that works and we have the money to pay for, fuzzy slippers, hot tea, microwaveable neck wraps, snuggling, warm mittens, Columbia coats, a hot toddy, and everything else that helps keep me warm and cope with winter. 

And given our weather forecast for this week... I'll be even more thankful if spring comes quickly!

1 comment:

  1. Love your little nest here! Thanks.
    But I have to ask, what is a "Columbia coat?"


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