Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Night Before Weigh In

Twas the night before weigh in and all though the house, no cookies were baking, not even for my spouse.  The gym clothes were hung by the door with care, in hopes that I would to the gym them wear...The children child was nestled all snug in his bed while visions of good scale numbers danced in MY head. 

Tomorrow I discover if I'm able to do this... stay at or below goal for the past 6 weeks, with nearly 2 of those weeks being on vacation.  Make it to the coveted... Lifetime!  No longer pay to go to Weight Watchers meetings. 

My weight has been up this week.  Stubborn pounds once again, but regardless of what happens tomorrow this I know: 
  • Being at or below my goal weight does not define me as a person.
  • Being over my goal weight does not mean I have done anything bad.  It means I am human, or I ate a lot of salt, or I'm stressed out, or my body isn't cooperating.
And ultimately... whatever happens tomorrow... I know I will CRY!  Tomorrow I will be 1 week shy of doing this for 2 FULL years.  In those 2 year I have had one hell of a journey.  Every single pound lost or gained, every single goal celebrated, every single disappointment, every single mile ran, has profoundly changed me forever.

As Zig Ziglar once said, "What you get by achieving your goal is not as important as what you become by achieving your goal."

Zig you were completely right.


  1. I LOVE the poem.. LOL You've come so far.. whatever the scale reads you are a winner. =)

  2. You've certainly had an incredible journey. Good luck with the weigh in and I hope you reach your Lifetime goal :)

  3. You got this! I just know it!

    And if the scale is crabby with you this week, you'll get it next week.

    What will you do with the money you'll save being a lifetime member?

  4. I agree with Adrienne. There are so many things that can make the scale fluctuate, we all know these things. You're a success, no matter what the scale says!


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