Post Vacation Weigh In

July 15, 2010

Its not pretty, but its over.  I'm up 3.8 pounds from the last 2 weeks.  Now I'm not at 100 pounds lost anymore.  I did it to myself, and now I must undo it.  It actually feels like a relief to have the weigh in over with, and have my slate back to 0 on my weekly and activity points.  I hate these temporary setbacks.  I hate seeing them on my chart, and I HATE having to relose weight I've already lost.  But I'm back in the swing of things, and even was able to have a great 30 minute run this morning in the COOL of the day.

I have a few bumps coming up this week too.  I have a business trip for Wednesday and Thursday, so I'll be out of town.  The last business trip did not derail me though, and I will have a gym at the hotel so that will be nice.  I will miss my Weight Watchers meeting though, and that saddens me (do any other people actually say things like that), because I just got back and now I'm gone again.  I'll likely try and hit a Friday or Saturday meeting so that I don't feel I can "cheat" choose to eat off plan, but I'd rather see CWWL (Crazy Weight Watchers Leader) instead of some of the other WWers leaders.

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  1. I hate when I miss a WW meeting...I feel like it's that final thread of sanity for this journey.

    Sucks about the gain, but you seem to have a really good mindset and I'm sure you'll have it gone again in no time!

  2. Been there!! Happened to me last week when we were on vacation, I gained 3 pounds. Thankfully I've lost 2 already. Sad thing is it took 4 days to do it. If I would not have had the setback, I would be down even more weight. I don't like losing ground...I just have to remember this is a lifestyle. I am not in a race and things happen. I just have to get back on track and stay there!!!

  3. Hi Sarah, I like the fact that you got back on track after your little gain which shows how focused you are. You look great by the way in your 'before and after' shots. I am looking forward to posting a progress photo! Lastly, I have an award for you on my blog, so feel free to drop by when you have time. Cheers!


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