Why I Hate Minnesota

June 27, 2010

Hopefully Minnesota Tourism won't see this post otherwise I'll probably be kicked out of the state, but at this point, KICK ME OUT!!!  I don't want to live here.  I don't like it here.  I failed big time today, and because I don't want to take personal responsibility, I'm going to blame it on Minnesota.

Let's back up a bit... late last week Tara @  263 and Counting ran 5 miles!!!  I was so proud of her, that I challenged myself to run 5 miles, but it had to wait until the weekend, because I don't have that much time on weekdays.  So I said I'd do it on Saturday.  I DIDN'T.  I woke up, after a thunderstorm filled night, and the air was so thick with humidity you could have probably cut it with a knife.  Now you have to know that I grew up in Montana.  If there is 14% humidity people start complaining its humid.  People in Montana don't have air conditioners.  You just don't need them.  My blood still hasn't completely adapted to the Midwest killer summer humidity, even though I've been here 11 years now.  So... a 5 mile run in 99% humidity wasn't going to happen.  A 1 mile run in 99% humidity wasn't even going to happen.  So I did what any good Weight Watcher would do... I made waffles, and then went to SuperTarget to buy food!  I did not run.  I heard on the news that the humidity would drop on Saturday overnight, and Sunday would be much less humid.  So I planned my run for then. 

This morning I woke up at 7:15, and put on my running clothes and was out the door by 7:30.  My first thought... "Hmmm... I thought it was supposed to be less humid, not more."  Yep now it was 100% humidity instead of 99%.  AWESOME!  So I set my Nike+ to 4 miles, because I knew that 5 wasn't in the cards for today.  At 2.5 miles I was dying!  I mean I could barely breathe and I was actually getting dizzy, and wouldn't you know it, a freaking mosquito even bit me in the upper arm.  I wasn't going to make 4 miles.  It sucked!  I hated it, but for the sake of safety I quit at 3 miles.  EPIC FAILURE!  It was one of the worst feeling runs I have had to date.  I felt horrible the entire time, and felt like puking for about 40 minutes afterwards. 

So back to my "I hate Minnesota rant"... because I want to blame someone other than me, and because it really sucks to fail, here are the top 10 reasons I hate Minnesota:
10)  There is no Minnesota nice... myth!
9)  People do not know how to merge
8)  Sweaty people walking around eating food on a stick = the best celebration of the summer, the MN State Fair
7)  Vikings will not for the life of them draft a Quarterback
6)  Snow
5)  More Snow sometimes in April and May
4)  Mosquitoes as big as birds in other states
3)  No ocean within a 2 days drive
2)  90 degrees with 90% Humidity!!
1)  Nothing beats the feeling of 30 below with 60 below windchill on your face in January at 5:30 am as you head to the gym

Minnesota - Please do not take this personally.  It was really never meant to be between you and I from the beginning.  I only meant to be here for a few years after college to "get on my feet".  Somehow deep down apparently I like something about you though, because I stayed for the last 11 years.  Some days though putting up with you ain't easy.

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  1. Just a little piece of advice. Don't move to Indiana either. :) Much sounds the same here except we have a great quarterback with the Colts. I actually think our state bird is the mosquitoe. Love ready your posts and I don't think Minnesota will take it personally.

  2. Or Nebraska. Pretty much the same crap!

    I don't think you can count a three mile run a failure by the way. It's a setback maybe. It's an oops. A blunder. A mishap. Call it what you want, but it doesn't become a failure until you let it beat you. You'll do it! And we'll cheer for you when you do!

  3. Hi, I just wanted to say to you that a three mile run isnt an epic failure. Its more than you ran, well...three miles ago. I set off to run 6 miles with my wife yesterday, but we only ran 4 because we got a late start and it was 95 degrees, we couldnt make it the other 2 but we still ran 4. Great job on the 3! Also, I HATE humidity!

  4. Ok... notes taken, no Indiana or Nebraska. If I had my way I'd love to live back in NW Montana, but there are no jobs.

    Thanks Ed... you are right! Running in humidity is so hard. Great job to you and your wife for the 4 miles!

  5. Epic failure? Do you not remember that a few short months ago running wasn't in your vocabulary? That horrible after feel will make the next one that much sweeter! Frankly, I am thrilled that you are in MN so that I have had the chance to watch you week after week discover the beautiful you that the rest of us have seen from the beginning. Enjoy your time away...your crazy WW leader!
    PS...Brett Favre is THE quarterback!

  6. I totaly agree. Ive move back from Libya about 8 years ago and have been living in this shithole of a state. What ive noticed is that people fake smile you. Women are fat and ugly. Lot of wihit trash norweigan farmers. People dont know how to drive. Potholes everywhere during the winter. Minus 30 in the winter and 100 plus 100 percent humidity int the summers. Plus they have the worse transit system in the world. I havent made one decent friend and never had a relationship last more than a year. So now im gonna join the Navy and get out of this shit hole place!

  7. I have been living in MN since 1995, and still find the constant temperature extremes intolerable. From -20 below zero (not counting wind chill) with an inch of ice on the roads, to sweltering heat and crippling humidity..There are maybe 15 decent days here throughout the entire year, and you can't really enjoy them because the mosquitoes are trying to eat you alive.

    Regarding the State Fair; I have been only once in my life, and you couldn't pay me to return.

  8. The real reason you hate minnesota is you're fat little legs won't propell you through a heavy snowfall. Move elsewhere if you can't hack it, wussy!

  9. Hi random MN hater,

    I have come here to vent!

    I relocated to MN for work after living in many different places all over the state and in the world as well.

    This is the shit-hole of America. Everybody is passive-aggressive. F*ck MN-nice. It's all bull.

    People are not cultured nor do they endeavor to see the world. They are small-minded and will never leave the state in their lives. They think there's diversity here (Hmong and Somali) but they just stick'em in the ghetto-est part of MN and not even try to immerse in their culture.

    Overall I hate this place but especially the people. The people are ignorant f*cks. This is a fly-over state for a reason. I hope these Minnesotans never leave their state and pollute everywhere else in the world.

    And hey, Anonymous up there, shut the f*ck up. At least we move around and explore places, you hick.

    1. Thank you! I'm done with this cesspool.

    2. Dude, you're comment is AWESOME AND SO TRUE! I have lived here for 7 years and came here with peace and kindness, BIG mistake. These MN cunts are horrible.

    3. I couldn't agree more. Minnesota is a cesspool of negative vibes and uncalled for hatred. I'm fed up. And I'm leaving Minnesota because I'm sick of these people!

    4. I have lived in Minnesota almost my entire life but only because a few loved family members live here also. I never could figure out why they called it Minnesota Nice, either. I have hated it here my entire life and know there must be better, friendlier, honestly nice people and places out there. Yeah, you run into a few down-to-earth nice people sometimes but that doesn't make up for what cold, unfriendly assholes it seems like so many Minnesotans are.Not to mention the weather extremes, outrageous rent prices, etc.I only stay here for my adult children and because I am too old and paranoid now to relocate.

    5. F off this f up state deserves a nuking instead of mikado for the friggin final battle in the end times we should host it move get out pretty soon we are going to lower the age of consent fuck Minnesota

  10. Princesstine, you made my day.

  11. The people here SUCKKK! It's one thing to be a hick and own it, but these icy fvcks have disdain for anything not MN.

  12. I too hate MN. Corporate relocation is the reason we're here. Trust me, sure wouldn't have moved here by choice. Left metro-Atlanta for this??? People are rude. Can't count the number of times I've been blatantly ignored while shopping. Speak to anyone and they look through you. Ummm being friendly, welcoming isn't such a bad thing folks. My kids say there's nothing but liquor stores and bars here no wonder people are messed up. They can't wait to leave. I can't wait to leave. My husband regrets taking the position here. MN-nice is bunk; just a euphemism for passive-aggressive behavior. ugh.

    1. I agree, Minnesota sucks and most of them are stupid little cunts known to be senseless.

    2. Alot of ugly people live here and I'm not talking about outward appearances.So, I totally agree.

  13. It's true, MN SUCKS. I've lived all over New York and I've lived in Texas, the people in MN are the rudest I've ever met. They have a way of trying to put you down when they speak, like you're a child, and they seem to have staring problems. No one can drive, there's no diversity, they're obsessed with themselves for some reason, and it's extremely boring. No interesting scenerey and the weather is terrible. I cannot wait to get outta here.

  14. MINUTE is a nice place to be FROM

  15. Minnesota is a nice place to be FROM!

    1. Umm, yeah right. Most of them suck. They incredibly suck such stupid vile people with no decency. Just because they’re Minnesotan doesn’t make them decent. They’re deluded to realize that.

  16. Then GTFO! Minnesota doesn't like you either bitch.

    1. The rest of the country doesn't like you either cunt. Fucking BURN FAGGOT!

    2. Learn how to properly use english, you retarded, ignorant cunt! Fuck your whore mother!

  17. I actually thought MN was nice but I don't live their so I guess that's why

  18. Mn sucks. The people are stupid fools, although they are clever with doing stuff accidentally on purpose in order to sabotage the best interests of the people around them, who in a normal place, meaning no Minnesotans, would be happy and successful, but no one is allowed to be anything but mediocre or worse, less you make them feel bad in comparison.

    1. Yes, the people of Minnesota have a socialist/communist mentality! They must have brought that over from the Norwegian countryside as peasants and farmers. Strange and isolate subculture. I don't like it!

  19. I hate the stupid people and Minnesota Nice!!!They are rude and intrusive beyond words.

  20. I love how you only get HATE comments from Mn natives,typical passive aggressive behavior form narrow minded brains. Most of Mn natives have never been to other places in their life's and that is why they ALL think Mn is awesome and great.
    Been here too long not by choice and everyday I hate this state more and more....poor world culture and lots of ice fishing and hunting poor innocent wild life.

  21. Some great posts here that I agree with 100%!

    Fortunately, my husband, kids and I were able to escape living in booooooooooooring MN.

    That was the BEST thing that ever happened to us.

    I lived there for over 30 years. Even as a young kid, I hoped to escape someday.

    "MN nice"; haha...that is sarcasm at its finest.

    Regarding sarcasm....I came across many mean-spirited and sarcastic people there.

    The weather as a whole is awful; not many days people can comfortably be outdoors.

    The mosquitoes are terrible...yuck!

    Many racists people and little diversity.

    Very high rate of alcoholism; I think that is because people are stuck indoors so often and bored.

    Not much to do for fun.

    Dear others who hate MN,
    I truly hope there is some way you can escape too. Life is too short to spend time somewhere you hate.
    I'm cheering you on!

    1. I'm probably too late commenting, but thanks! I really needed this encouragement. I'm saving money to leave, but the people here can be so horrible and hostile for no reason, that sometimes I get so depressed. Like, wth is wrong with these assholes out here!? Are they nuts or what??

    2. Only evil people and losers live In Minnesota!

    3. I concur! These scumbags are EVIL up here! No question. Everyone I meet here is a psychopath waiting to explode. Wouldn't be surprised if most of them worshipped Satan.

  22. wouldnt live in this shithole state, if held at gunpoint !!! Go ahead, elect another WWE for governor, and a comedian to senate, dont pass a budget, and close the rest stops again soon. Piss off...and lose another hockey team while you claim to "support" them.

  23. Than move out of MN! I dont know what your talking about hating the State Fair. The State Fair is so awesome!! All the rides the food the cookies??? Have you never been to the MOA? Waterpark of America? Of course it's going to be freezing it shares a border with CANADA!!! So if you dont like MN than move out we dont need people like you in the state anyways. We're fine without you:) Oh and you anonymous person that wrote Minnesotans only like MN because they have been no where else well I've moved around my entire life! And this is the truth the reason most Minnesotans may not be nice or may be racist to you is because Mn is a very nice state and people usually live in nice homes and have nice things. So if they see people that maybe are not as fortunate as they are, they look at them differently. So if you ever are planning to go just keep these things in mind so you dont get offended and write a bunch of hate comments.

    1. Wow! You pieces of shit are so full of yourselves, you actually believe the nonsense coming out of your Minnesotan mouths. Seriously dude, you sound like a fool. You're delusional and dont wanna see things for how they are.

    2. Thanks for defending us who aren't brainwashed and know what a hellhole this state really is. I have friends that are friends simply because they can't find any decent people in the twin cities either and are also tired of being shit on by so many assholes.

    3. Absolutely. I'm still in this shithole for now. About to make my way out though, and would recommend anyone else with decency get out too. This is a place for psychopaths, not normal or kind people.

    4. Only evil people and losers live In Minnesota! Majority of the people in Minnesota have like a high school mentality.

  24. I lived there for 7 and half years from the UK; By the end I hated it. What with the enforced conformity and lessening yourself for others to be "comfortable and not threatened" by others opinions, differences, and being better or having more than them. It's like asking people to go backwards for them to feel good about themselves. Insulting to ask people to do that. I had to leave...

  25. Minnesota has to be the laughingstock of the United States. I think Minnesota sucks and I made a website about it here: http://minnesotasucks2.blogspot.com/

  26. If you are between 35 and 49 and a transplanted single living in or near Minneapolis or St. Paul, check out this group:


    Just formed yesterday and it is average one new member every hour.

    Don't bother trying to socialize with Minnesota natives. They are a waste of time.

  27. Oops, averaging one new member per hour-

  28. Oops, averaging one new member per hour-

  29. If you are between 35 and 49 and a transplanted single living in or near Minneapolis or St. Paul, check out this group:


    Just formed yesterday and it is average one new member every hour.

    Don't bother trying to socialize with Minnesota natives. They are a waste of time.

  30. Loved Minnesota till I moved here. Honestly I didn't mind the weather, the place is beautiful beyond words, but the people..the word intrusive goes to levels you didn't thought possible. The people are insufferable..fake, 100% fake. Hypocrisy rules undisputed here. Manipulative like hell, and don't get me started on the stalking, because in being so intrusive, they have given themselves authority over you to stalk you as they please.

    - Awful experience -

    1. This! Absolutely my experience out here. These people have a stalking and staring problem. Even my neighbors are creepy and abnormal. They follow your every move once you leave your apartment door! Strange people in Minnesota. I don't like this place at all.

    2. Only evil people and losers live In Minnesota!

    3. Amen! They're evil asf. As soon as I hit a few thousand in the bank account, I'm gtfoh! I wasted half of my youth up here. I'm 31 and still unmarried because all of the women here are egotistical, sexist, man-hating feminist. Did I mention the alcoholism? So done!

  31. Minnesota still loves you.

    1. And the rest of the US still HATES you!

  32. I used to work for a company based in MN. Thankfully I never lived there (only visited) but I will say there are some EXTREMELY ignorant people up there. They think they know everything even though they are in one of the smallest metros in America. The people are so small minded that they can almost come off as dumb. The office out there was based on a culture of being passive aggressive. I can only look back at my time there and think,
    "What a bunch of retards" - seriously, they are.

    1. I totally agree!

    2. Holy shit! I was right. I was right all along. Hahaha. It’s evident now that Minnesota’s management/ customer service sucks. Which explains why MN employees, cashiers, businesses, etc suck at their jobs. Evidence: The long lines at the stores, the poor customer service, rude staff/shoppers. Snotty and discriminating workers all around. Here’s some other evidence, when a customer makes a complaint to management, but management ignorantly did nothing about it. I hands down think the management in Minnesota sucks. I agree with the poster they are all assholes and retards. What a bunch of little fags. They need to get their shit together smh.

  33. Minnesota Blows. Lots of anal retentive, inbred Scandinavians. prattling on about the IDS building and the Mall of America. Stay away from East Dakota!!!

  34. These people elected Jesse Ventura and Al Franken...TWICE!! Worst state, dumbest people in the union.

  35. These tards actually root for the Viqueens. Enough said.

  36. I cant say all of Minnesota is bad. There are some towns in southern Minnesota that are actually fun to live in. Wabasha, Rochester, St. Cloud. La Crosse WI. I was never bored there and I made a lot of friends. Minneapolis is what makes you hate the state. People in Minneapolis are idiots, self centered and forever bitchy. Miserable people live in Minneapolis. Cost of living was much too high for that cold cold city.

    1. There isn't any difference between the people in Minneapolis,and the rest of the state.
      The small town and rural people will try to convince you of that, but it's bullshit.
      As for minnesotans that claim that this is one of, if not the most intelligent state in the US, let me call your attention to McNamara's 100,000 / McNamara's Morons, from the Vietnam war era.
      When the US Military needed to literally scrape the bottom of the barrel, to add 100,000 more draftees, they targeted the North Central, and South East US.
      That's not an opinion, it's a fact.
      minnesota is the first place where i have seen a 'GED Graduation Party', and it was treated the same as a real High School grad. party.
      The achievement bar is not set very high here.
      I have lived in,or worked in 47 out of the 50 states, and 5 different countries, so i am not a biased person, and i don't lack perspective or experience.
      If you are planning to move here (by choice) do your homework first.
      There is a reason for the negative comments here, and it's not because of hate, or stupidity.
      I haven't seen any unfair criticism of minna-so-ta here.

    2. Rochester! Haha!! Good lord, that town should be crowned the most boring “city” on earth, and the people - good Christ! Had to live their for work for a year and almost hung myself in the shower.

  37. Minnesota is the place where people who couldn't hack it anywhere else moved to and started breeding.

  38. Letting the humidity & temp affect your run is such a weak thing to do ಠ_ಠ.
    I suppose not everyone is cut out to push themselves in extreme conditions. Be it extremely humid & hot, or insanely cold & dry, running is doable in MN. I think everyone in their teen ages up to early 20s should be capable of running in any condition if they live in this state. Not everyone can however, since mostly everyone's fat here that didn't migrate here from outta state. I'm one of the few naturally big Spartans that was born in this area lol. While everyone else is like 5ft tall & chubby, I'm 6'8" & cut. Kinda sucks, while this is my homeland, I look nothing like the average individual here 80 miles south of the Canadian border. Kinda makes socializing awkward. I will agree MN is a terrible state to socialize in. Everyone's concerned with themselves & their media. Be it social media, movies, video games, music. Everyone's just too into it around here since it's the only affordable entertainment in the winter. Unless you live out in the sticks & hunt, or ice-fish. Owning an off-road personal vehicle such as a 4-wheeler or Dirt-bike is a must around here. If you do those things daily here, you're living in MN the right way

  39. I left when i was 18, came back for a few years and got addicted to heroin. Left again, have been doing great ever since. 31 now, and i can officially clain that i no longer, not even for nostalgic reasons, have one iota of love for this place. I do business across the country on an opportinity basis. I saw an opportunity here and attempted to put in the work necessary to gain financially. I did my part by working endlessly to proccess my deal. When it came time to turn around and sell, at dirt cheap bargain prices, i ran in to two faced, shady and down right insulting businessmen only interestes in getting one over on me. I wanted to do legitimate business, they wanted to rip me off and kick me while im down. Now im stuck, having invested my money in the opportunity, im too broke to leave. Get me back to california, where the women are warm, weed is practically free and business is legitmate. Good bye you ice cold piece

  40. I agree Minnesota sucks, the people are ignorant minded and they don't even know it. Bunch of egotistical assholes who don't treat anyone humanly. Living here dealing with this shit is making me want to kill myself.

    1. It's making me want to kill them.

    2. I understand bro. Just hold off on doing that though, okay? Yes, I know they are a bunch of judgemental fake POS. And they call themselves "Libral". lol

    3. They're way worse than judgmental, fake pieces of shit. Though, they do indeed harbor these irredeemable traits as their cultural norm. To me, at this juncture, they are nothing more than vile, sub-human cretins... vermin. Been here for 7 years going on 8. Would have left a long time ago if it wasn't for obligations that I have here at the moment but believe me, I will get the fuck out of this shit hole and leave this land of insufferable cunts behind.

    4. Only evil people and losers live in Minnesota.

  41. One thing I'll give give mn credit for there outdoors wildlife. Oh too everyone that thinks Minnesota sucks I support you're argument 100%. And to Minnesotans who clearly disapprove can suck my " I think Minnesota sucks" dick. And suck it. Lol! Minnesota haters I got your back. Trust me I know how you feel.

  42. Could agree more. Moved here to be with fiancee...but we split up. Wanted to move back home. Found a good job started to save funds. Then, I fell seriously I'll. And here is the way I was treated. As a leper. I was shunned and my illness was not contagious. One day I was walking by the bosses office. No lie,paranoia or miss understanding. I found there was a plan to

    fire me. HR? They were in on it too. I was terrified & rightly so...I would have lost a lot if fired, but unfortunately for them they had to manufacture a plausible reason. So the next morning I phoned in and informed them the environment was hazardous to my health and I had to heed my doctors suggestions of early retirement. Dont get me wrong, the company wasn't faulty...it was the people who by the way did dastardly to two employees before it became my turn. Now I'm stuck here in shithole-asota. Unless someone haas a spare cot in their garage.....

  43. Could agree more. Moved here to be with fiancee...but we split up. Wanted to move back home. Found a good job started to save funds. Then, I fell seriously I'll. And here is the way I was treated. As a leper. I was shunned and my illness was not contagious. One day I was walking by the bosses office. No lie,paranoia or miss understanding. I found there was a plan to

    fire me. HR? They were in on it too. I was terrified & rightly so...I would have lost a lot if fired, but unfortunately for them they had to manufacture a plausible reason. So the next morning I phoned in and informed them the environment was hazardous to my health and I had to heed my doctors suggestions of early retirement. Dont get me wrong, the company wasn't faulty...it was the people who by the way did dastardly to two employees before it became my turn. Now I'm stuck here in shithole-asota. Unless someone haas a spare cot in their garage.....

  44. Help! I'm from Pennsylvania living in Minnesota.

  45. The management and customer service in this state sucks. Go read up on google business reviews in the state and you’ll know what I mean. Most of them have - 1 star. I feel the passive aggressive ignorant behavior is why the mn management blows. They actually hire the dumbest cashiers who know nothing about customer service / interpersonal skills. Yet most MN employees suck at theirs jobs. When something is wrong and a customer is treated like shit they do nothing about it. Especially a colored or foriegn customer. It’s discrimination and stereotyping.The cashiers are very rude people I have ever dealt with. When the roads are icy they forget to sand their dam roads. Evidently, that’s why there’s more fatal accidents on the Minnesota highways during the winter months; it’s a truly sad epidemic. Plus the drivers suck.
    The twin cities metro area is what I call the asshole capital of the state. Yes in reiteration I call it the asshole capital. There’s a bunch of stuck up ingnorant egotistical rude wealth jerks, who define themselves as superior. When they’re clearly stupid and dulusional towards reality. Haha! interesting right? How about baffling? Also the twin cities area is vastly populated and clustered. The twin cities atmosphere won’t do you any good. I would suggest Mankato Rochester Duluth or small town rural Minnesota if you’re a new comer. I put small town rural Minnesota because we all know that small towns have the nice welcoming laid back vibe. Except, I wouldn’t venture in a smaller town under 15,000 because that wouldn’t be suitable for a new comer to cope with. I do agree there’s a lot of fat women here. The older men are fat and immature. Did I mention snotty? Yes they are the snottiest people I have encountered. Education is expensive, taxes are so high you won’t be able to sleep at night. The tainting weather has to be on the top list. I hate the cold and I would take warm weather any day; hands down. Knowing that I lived here all my life, I do pity new comers just because they shouldn’t have to put up with these assholes I feel bad for them.
    Some day, I hope to take a big shit on these assholes. Yes, I would shit all over them. You know why? They are all full of shit. Bingo! There I said it. To Minnesota natives reading this! I don’t care what you think. Go ahead and disagree I am sure you’ll have a lot to tell your friends and colleagues. If you seriously have a problem with that, you can suck my “I don’t give a fuck about what you have to say back at me” dick, so go suck it.

  46. Since I am an outdoors guy. The outdoor wildlife is one thing is one benefit, the food is fine and a couple bars and restaurants I like too. However most of the people, the weather and management I am not very fond of.
    There’s food that’s good and bad for you. There’s food that ok for you, but there’s foods you abstain from that you eat rarely. That’s metaphorically how I perceive Minnesotans. There’s good and bad ones. There’s some that I am ok with, but I really dislike them. Given I know I do and I wouldn’t waste my time with them. On the other hand, I don’t hate, and I don’t love Minnesota. There’s vastly a lot things I dislike about Minnesota and less things I like. When leveraging that on a scale of 1 to 10. I give Minnesota a 4. Meaning moderately okay with it. If I had no outdoor passions, the food was so bad and there wasn’t just at least two good bars or restaurants I would hate it MN for the passion. According to management it’s probably failing. Oh well life is too short to dwell on that.

  47. I dont hate Minnesota except in the winter. One thing I find creepy about the state is why drivers feel the need to be rude to pedestrians. I'm in saint Paul right now, I ride the bus to get to work, most times cars speed very very fastly once they see me. There's also a problem here with cigarette smoking. Almost everyday I'm exposed to 2nd hand cigarette smoke. Also because of the harsh winter, there's a lot of unhealthy minnesotans, probably because of the arthritis in the winter. It's a great state from late April to early November. Then it suddenly becomes the worst state in the country

  48. This place is hell. It sucks in retrospect. The management, most of the people suck. There’s a vast amount of assholes in this state even in the center part of the state. I can’t put up with it anymore. It’s a dreadful atmosphere here. The cashiers and managers suck at their jobs, the drivers are vicious and most of the people are cunts. Pure logic. I call this assholsota because it’s full of assholes. Just a bunch of stuck up cunts who are abnormal. Sorry, not sorry!

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.

  50. The management here sucks, which explains evidently why the workers here suck and unprofessional at their jobs. The workers will intentionally refuse to greet certain customers and be down right rude to customers. They utilize their prejudice submissive covert racist attitudes towards minorities and different types of customers. People here talk down on people in the most obnoxious cockiest way I have ever dealt with. They act like they know everything in a prideful snottiest response like in in-your-face sort of way. Most of the people are just dumb weird scary ignorant racist prejudice phony naive morons. I find it baffeling they think they’re superior than any state. I brag to differ if you live in the twin cities or in the inner part you’ll know how stupid they are. The drivers here are vicious animals, shoppers are deliberately rude. The twin cities I think is the most assholeic part of the state it’s an asshole world in the tc. Yeah people they’re as I can reiterate are pretty stuck up and snippy for no apparent reason. The winters are ridicoulisly relentless. This place is a toxic atmosphere I wouldn’t venture here if you want a drama free environment or tranquilness. I think this sucks and needs to get its shit together. I can’t wait to move out of this hell hole state. Fuck you and suck my dick mn good night! Sorry not sorry :/

  51. I want to hit myself on the head because I forgot to mention that there’s a vast amount of prententous insensitive self-righteous assholes here. Not to mention I loath those people I strongly have disdain for them. There people like that here and it pisses me off. Oh and that’s one reason why I am not fond of city people they just so flawed totally beyond rude

  52. At first I couldn't understand multiple foreign born co workers excitement upon my arrival to work, then I noticed the Minnesota fear of foreigners. These people spoke 80%+ proper English and the minnesotans were still terrified and created a bubble around the stranger. Not only that but when I joked with my foreign coworkers the minnesotans took it as me being racist. This happens at bars too. I sit and chat with the foreign person no one pays any attention to and any joking is seen as racism. They can't sort out me treating foreigners as friends. That's truly awful.
    A brown friend of mine born in the twin cities got tired of being asked where he's from, because he isn't white, and left.


  53. The twin cities metro area is by far the worst part of the state it's evidently why this god damn forsaken state sucks entirely. Name or list any town in the Twin Cities area, the native Minnesotans there are exactly alike. Phony, narcissistic, aggressive, low-mannered, methaholics, rude, judgmental, psychotic, sociopathic, clannish, belittling, ignorant, stuck up, uptite, naive, vicious, fake, interrogating, intimidating, berating, hypocritical, egotistical, self absorbed, manipulative, pathological liars, insular, dramatic, mentally retarded, superior acting, condescending and passively controlling people I have ever dealt with in my life. They're the type of people you'll even regret meeting the first couple minutes after meeting them. It's like falling into a trap you can't get out of or falling for a guru scam. You end up trusting them they manipulate you and fuck you over when they have a chance. They'll talk down at you like you're 5 years old and anytime you criticize them/correct them they give you an innocent look on their face. I have experienced that a lot with the natives.

    The people in the rural areas of the state I prefer because the people I have met there aren't like the evil people in the Twin cities metro area. They're actually nice, genuinely honest, straight forward acting, sweet and laid back so i got to give those people some credit. That's why I prefer rural people over dumbs urban city people. Anyways moving on. I got nothing against European Americans or European heritage. However, I must say the nordic Americans that reside in the Twin Cities area I find those people weird, strange, quirky and awkwardish. They look like they have either lived in a cave their whole life or they are just suspiciously wild, strange, secretive acting people.

    The management here sucks if you read social and google reviews of like any business in the area like Walmart, holiday or Speedway for example they have the poorest management here compared to other franchises in other states. I have a hunch that the business's or stores weren't based in MN has the poorest management because it's runned/managed by evil Minnesotans and the evil democrats who live there. To reiterate basically any business here that isn't MN based that has Minnesotans running it is has a tainted reputation thanks to evil Minnesotans It makes me sick that the management here gets away with anything it can. No wonder the customer service here sucks and that explains why customers here are treated horribly.

    I hate how the twin cities area is too overly liberal. The democrats there are the stupidest most worst democratic people in the nation. Naive doesn't just only define this they know absolutely nothing about politics that they clearly need proper schooling on what politics really is. They unanimously make politics here seem weird and foolish. This explains why the colleges around here are so expensive because of the greedy democrats here, and everything that involves schooling is a complete vile joke. Proper knowledge here before graduation doesn't exists here which is no wonder why people here suck at their jobs. The Doctors and counselors here are not professional at their jobs and I have seen it. This makes me question why they are who they are because I hate politics more than anything and even talking about it but I have to say honestly being a dumb left wing person makes you a dumb person sorry but politics does define who you are and these scumbags don't know that.

    1. I don't know what "better" rural towns you may be referring to but I live in a rural MN town and these fucking cunts are exactly the same as the city folk. Pretentious, back-stabbing and the malicious toxic gossip is off the charts!

    2. Agreed. I lived in St. Cloud for 12 years, and those SOBS were just as obnoxious and rude as the twin cities dwellers! No difference at all. If anything, they were worse.

    3. Only evil people and losers live In Minnesota!

  54. Another thing that bothers me is that there's too many hipsters in the twin cities area they make me sick they creep me out completely have a lot of disdain towards hipster every time i see them I freakout. And there's too many urban city trashy people here. I just entirely hate and loath city people in general. Yuppies, hipsters urban people you name it, they're and sadly the twin cities area is a perfect example for that. The Moa and the other malls are trash to me it's an alien culture filled with evil people. It's not my goto sorry/not sorry-. Lastly this state and the Twin cities area needs to get it's shit together like really needs it's shit together. Thats why I call the Twin Cities the "demon cities" I feel this place is cursed overall. Demonsota and stupidsota are my two nick names for this. This place sucks.

  55. Thank you fore referring to them as democrats and not liberals. Liberals are more libertarian. Democrats are lunatics. Very small difference between democrats and leftists. They are the same to me.

  56. Lived in MN for a total of 8 years, due to marriage, hubby is from here. The longer I live here, the less I am able to tolerate it. I always said that the only way to belong here is if you came out of someone who is multi-generationally from here, and the only way to have a super close relationship with someone in MN is if you make them yourself, therefore only blood relationships are the only relations that make sense and have any meaning at all, and the ones that most people here are willing to invest in. I guess it's that way everywhere, but it's extra in your face when you are an outsider here. I don't care if that is how they want to live their lives, I just want out and never set foot in this state the rest of my life or in any reincarnations. A far second contender to becoming acceptable would be someone you went to kindergarden or elementary school with. Otherwise you will always be seen with suspicion, and never be part of the native (nothing to do with Native Americans) society. I never felt this way elsewhere, and I lived in multiple countries in the world and multiple states in the US. The weather is insufferable, if you have preexisting health conditions, the cold will make it worse in the winter and the high humidity in the summers will also worsen it. MN is a constant thorn on the side, in one form or another, the extreme ignorance combined with this know it all attitude, MN nice which is really MN ice passive aggressive sarcasm which is extremely rude, neglecting, abusive, atrocious, and ruthless, when you deeply think about what it truly means. The only way to fit in is if you are another type of asshole that is insensitive and cruel, doesn't give a sh*t about others, don't give a d*mn about helping others, don't give a crap about forming new meaningful friendships, truly bettering yourself, love killing animals out in the wild, which is the most common way to enjoy the outdoors, etc etc etc blah blah blah. you catch my drift.

  57. I am fortunate to have the ability tof never having to go to Minnesota again. Visited once in 90's and wasn't impressed with anything I saw. Stayed away until this year when I drove across the Canadian border through International Falls and was pulled over at crossing by Minnesota conservation officer and told "I know you are not from Minnesota and don't know this, but you are not allowed to trailer your boat with your drain plug in." Rather than informing me and having me remove it, I was given a citation. My gosh, I had only driven in Minnesota for less than 50 yards. Two weeks later I was mailed a notice that I was required to take an online invasive species class, which I did. No other mention of fine or any other requirement. My thought was they seemed reasonable to help with the invasive species issue. One month later I receive a notice from the Minnesota court stating I now owed a fine and late fee for the infraction of the law that they are aware nobody from out of state would know about. When I contacted the court and explained what had happened the said they knew nothing about the invasive species class and all they knew was I had to pay the "We don't want out of state visitor" fine or set up a court date to dispute it. Right, like I am going to travel 3 states away to go to court for a $140 fine. I chose to sent the S-hole state the $140 and count my blessings that I would never have to enter that "state" again. Sympathies to those who haven't the ability to evade this place.

  58. I moved to MN for my new job. God I hated the state so bad that l started looking for jobs out of MN. Very boring state. People with no sense of hummer. Passive aggressive is real and if your not native to MN you will face so many challenges dealing with their culture. Very very tight and unwelcoming culture. Even though I have a high paying job in a high profile company people in the organization were born and raised in MN and the mentality of management followed MN culture so it was not easy for non native people to grow and advance in their careers.

  59. I'm working for a company in MN. My manager never gives me any feedback. She always smiles and acts nice into my face. I recently found out she said so many negative things on my back to her manager. This is disgusting. Minnesota nice is disgusting. Why these people are like this?Cant deal with this cold culture

    1. I'm 110% with you on that. These people up here have absolutely despicable and rancid personalities! Minnesota is a complete No-Go. Utterly hostile for no damn reason!

  60. I lived in a few states and traveled to all 50. got a job in MN and moved there last year. Couldn't deal with their fake nice attitude. They are so wired people. Cold is least of the issues with this tribble state. Very passive aggressive culture.

  61. I also agree with 99% of the comments here that think Minnesota is a hellhole. I know alot of people that are tired of being shit on and abused by all the assholes running rampant in this state. If you don't want to be miserable don't move here .Like everyone's said, people here are unfriendly, abusive, passive-agressive, stupid, inhospitable, boring, white trashy assholes. Thanks for letting me vent my hatred of this state and its shitty weather, I hate also.

    1. Only evil people and losers live in Minnesota. The majority of the people who live in Minnesota are so miserable!

  62. I am a Minnesotan born and raised, unfortunately! I f'ing hate this state! I'm over the freezing cold, the Scandinavian conformity, the ignorance, over population of unsavory "human" beings, and the toxic environment. There are no real opportunities for success in MN; people value nothing, and nothing is sacred. It's cliquey and you're made to not fit in. People are fake AF, and it's crazy expensive. I call it Shitasota, this place sucks; get OUT!

    1. I agree, wish people were more direct too. Call them out on their dumb behavior and you are on their s list.

    2. Minnesota has to be the ugliest state I ever been too!!

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  65. Minnesota is the capitol of 'Passive AggressiveLand' :(

    I wasted 10 years of my life there, and like Arizona and Washington State, Oregon as well, three other bastions of 'merde hive mind' problems, I can, as a world traveled airline pilot and someone who actually lived in many states and COUNTRIES across this earth, Minnesota is one of those places that, if you can help it, best to GTFO soon as possible and not dawdle about that...else you'll be egregiously 'harmed' by the experience. In airline pilot terms, we used to 'joke' about 'crashing', in that everything went thru ATLANTA (especially with my carrier, E.A.L.) and that due to that, you had plenty of time to avoid 'hell' strictly by virtue of that alone, if you were about to die.. All in all, given that other states like Arizona and Washington, and yeah, Florida all are with their own versions of 'insanity' deeply imbued within the fabric of what HELLHOLES they all are, if you have to live in any of the aforementioned nightmarish 'failure' states, best to do it in a way that minimizes your exposure to the locals as best as is humanly possible. And 'yes' I have lived in New York, Nevada, and Californicateya as well, and to be honest about it, California is in a 'shithole of it's own' category or I would have included it here with Minnesota and perhaps OreIzGone too! Every minute spent in any of these states is a drag on your soul and counts 'negatively' in your karmic whip department. Tragically, however, Minnesota and Oregon and Washington State all have their own scandinavian flavor of 'lame' that makes 'Dante's Inferno' seem like a childhood board game.

    Worse thing that can happen is you 'die' in any of these nightmares and are INTERRED in the ground in ANY ONE OF THEM afterwards. :(

  66. Minnesotans lick their own ball sacks.


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