FAQs About Me
March 15, 2010I'm Sarah, and I'm 33 years old. I've been fat my whole life. In Oct 2008 I started my journey to lose 100+ pounds with one single step - joining Weight Watchers. Here I am over 100 pounds lost, and I've finished running my first 5k this past June. I've gone from being a complete couch potato to exercise 6 days a week. If you'd like to know a little more about me read on:
Question #1: How'd you do it?
Answer #1: I don't have any voodoo magic to share with you. Sorry! Here's my secret... huddle in now... wait for it... I strictly watch what I eat EVERY single day, write it all down, and I exercise most days a week, usually instead of doing something like going out for lunch or happy hour. Not very fun, huh? I follow the Weight Watchers Points program. I have the monthly pass option, which gives you access to meetings and the online tools (eTools) each month. I religiously attend my meetings every Thursday, and I love love love my leader. She has been instrumental in this journey for me. She is the one who ran my first 5k with me. Sometimes I lovingly refer to her as CWWL (Crazy Weight Watchers Leader).
Question #2: Was I always fat, or did it happen once I had a child?
Answer #2 : Always fat. I was the fat kid, the fat teenager, the fat bride, and finally the fat pregnant lady. I loved myself, I had good friends/family, and I felt people accepted me, but it all came crashing down around me on August 9, 2007.
Question #3: Do you have a family? I hear you talk a lot about your son. How's he figure into the equation?
Answer #3 : Yes, I have a husband and 1 child. A boy. I'll refer to him as "L". He was born 5 weeks early, weighed 3 lbs 4 oz, and spent 27 days in the NICU at the hospital. He was born early because I developed HELLP syndrome - a very serious and rare from of preeclampsia that can lead to liver failure and even maternal death. L and I, we're lucky. We both came out of it relatively unscathed. Sure, he's a little small, but it hasn't effected his ability to flourish one bit. After L was born I continued my "old lifestyle" for over a year before I was finally told flat out by my doctor that my weight was likely a "contributing factor" to my pregnancy issues - oh yeah there were multiple issues, I had PCOS, which gave me infertility issues in the first place, I've had a miscarriage, and I also developed gestational diabetes. That doesn't even count the constant morning sickness all pregnancy. I was advised to lose weight prior to any more pregnancies. WOW! I almost killed myself and this sweet little boy, because I like bon-bons too much? That was a selfish thing to do. And so, the very next week I walked into Weight Watchers and vowed to change myself. I had to... I had that sweet little boy to think about now.
Question #4: Are you a writer? I didn't know you could write?
Answer #4: Nope... Neither did I! I'm actually a call center technology consultant. It sounds fancy. It really isn't.
Question #5: What's your exercise routine like?
Answer #5: Until the beginning of August it was going to Curves Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, and running Tuesdays, Thursdays, and either Saturday or Sunday. One of the weekend days was my "day off." I recently left Curves and joined the gym at my community center, and I'm still getting into the swing of things, but right now it looks like it will be strength training on Mondays and Wednesdays. Cardio on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays or Sundays, and 1 day a week doing a group fitness class. I'm actually going to be doing some sessions with a personal trainer in September as well.
Question #7: Can I ask you another question? Do you have any other advice for me? Will you review my product? Do you want to do a giveaway on your blog for my product?
Answer: #7: Sure... I'll answer what I can. You can email me at srhrss@yahoo.com.